With our business focus being on the Equine industry we decided to create a show team that promoted our business in and around the show ring. To date we have had amazing sucess.

Our team is made up of myself (Bree Petrie), my husband Nick, Catherine and Laura Bradley ( Nalinga Stud). Between us we have a wealth of knowledge and understanding of showing. I attribute our success to date to our dedication, hard work and enjoyment of working together to create a team of horses that look their best whenever they step into the show ring.

The horses that make up our team are prepared, schooled and fully produced for the show ring by us.

We have very kindly been offered Sponsorship for our show team by Hi Form Australia. As long time users of these sensational products, we are very excited to continue to be part of the team.

Another Loyal sponsor is Roxi J Accessories. Supplying our Team with the best quality Browbands and accessories around.

Thankyou also to Ramsay Show Saddles Australia for the Sponsorship of our beautiful show saddles, custiom made for our horses.

The Petrie Equine Showteam is proudly sponsored by Hi Form & supported by Roxi J Accessories


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